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Greetings From Lesotho!

Khotso, Pula, Nala!
Peace, Rain, Prosperity!


Hi y'all! My name is Kenna Heroy, and welcome to my blog! This is where I will be sharing my experiences during my Peace Corps service. My training started September 29, 2022, and after swearing in on December 14, my service will be for two years. I'm serving as a Primary Education Teacher in Lesotho. 


A little about me: I graduated from Texas State University in May 2022 with a degree in ESL Elementary Education. I chose to join the Peace Corps after graduating to help others, learn about a culture and way of life different from mine, and see more of the world. I believe we are here to make connections with other people and spread kindness, and the Peace Corps is a great opportunity for me to do that. Happy reading, I'm excited for y'all to learn along with me!

**Disclaimer: The contents of this blog are mine personally and don't reflect any positions of the U.S. Government or Peace Corps.**

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